Thursday, June 16, 2011

RestEasy Avoid -LazyInitializationException

When we work with JPA one cannot avoid using relations. For eg UserAccount has relation with UserAccountProfile. We often come across LazyInitializationException.
However when accessing UserAccount resource we may need to suppress xml generation for UserAccountProfile. Solution is to use @XmlTransient

      * @return the useraccount
     public Useraccount getUseraccount() {
         return useraccount;

I have Annotated getUserAccount in the Entity This annotation does not work with fields.
Adtionally you can use @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) to avoid the database call :)

Applies to : Jboss,JAX-WS,RestEasy,JPA,Hibernate

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Restified DayTrader Launched (RestifiedTrader)

Restified Trader aka Restified DayTrader is Trading application implemented using REST. It is a proof of concept for the restful design published by RESTify-DayTrader ( Implemented in JavaEE6 and JAX-RS. It implements all requirements of Apache DayTrader Benchmark Sample. Currently it does not provide a UI.
Checkout following link for more details

REST-assured Tricks How to test HTTP 201 Created ?

How to test HTTP 201 Created ?

This is two testcases a) Status Code b) Location header

// Prepare data to be posted    
 String xmlBody = "<orderData><orderType>BUY</orderType><quantity>44</quantity><symbol>YHO</symbol></orderData>";  
String location = given()  
 // a) test status code  
 // b) test Location Header  

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

REST-assured Tricks How to test Array of values -XML

RESTful web services often return multiple values. Some times in form of an array.To test for multiple values we can use .hasItems()
hasItems() works only for JSON. For XML we have to use hasXPath()
// test multiple values
String result= given().header("accept", "application/xml")

REST-assured Tricks How to test Array of values -JSON

RESTful web services often return multiple values. Some times in form of an array.
To test for multiple values we can use .hasItems()
hasItems() works only for JSON
// test multiple values
String result=  given().header("accept", "application/json")
  .expect().body("quote.symbol", hasItems("SYMBOLICIC9","SYMBOLICIC1","SYMBOLICIC9"))

REST-assured Tricks How to test custom content type?

The .contentType(ContentType.JSON) supports limited set of,. ANY,TEXT,JSON,XML,HTML,URLENC and BINARY.
In RestFul applications we also create custom types. for Eg I created application/vnd.useraccountprofile+json
REST-assured can be used to test any content. The trick is the use .header()
result= given().contentType(ContentType.JSON)
    .header("accept", "application/vnd.useraccountprofile+json")                
    .header("Content-Type", "application/vnd.useraccountprofile+json")               
    .expect().body("openbalance", equalTo(121),"useraccountid",notNullValue())

REST-assured Tricks How to test a value in JSON

Use equalTo()
When the value is a string use single quotes '121'
In the below example the openbalance is a property of useraccount. useraccount is the JSON object name in the JSON.
Some implementation does not return the object name. In such cases replace "useraccount.openbalance" with "openbalance"

String result = given().header("accept", "application/json")
 .expect().body("useraccount.openbalance", equalTo(121),"useraccount.useraccountid",notNullValue())

REST-assured Tricks How to test for 307 Temporary Redirect ?

Testing for 307 has two parts a) test http status code b) test http header Location
String xmlBody = "<orderData><orderType>BUY</orderType><quantity>44</quantity><useraccountid>10</useraccountid></orderData>";
//xml payload
String location = given()
 // a) test http status code 307
        System.out.println(" Location " + location);      
 // b) test http header Location   

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Test code using prettify

public void testReliablePostBuy() throws Exception {
        String xmlBody = "BUY44SYMBOLICIC110";
How to use prettify with blogger/blogspot?